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The Faces Behind FGPH

Your go-to parenting side-kicks, saving your sleep and sanity!

Our Story

Between the three of us, we've got seven kids running around, and we're no experts following some rulebook; we're right there with you, in the thick of it. You know, mixing up the plates and scrambling to figure out which school uniform they need today (SOS!)


Now, when we jumped into the incredible journey of parenthood, we quickly realised just how mind-boggling the advice out there can be. It's like a chaotic circus with advice flying in all directions, often biased, and don't even get us started on those who think their opinions are the holy grail of parenting... yikes!


The three of us connected over this shared "WTF" moment in parenting. And now, we've set out on a mission to break down the rigid do's and don'ts of parenting and embrace the beautiful world of gray (no black and white here!)


We know there's no one-size-fits-all manual for raising your unique kiddo, so we've put together a toolbox of tried-and-true strategies that actually work!


Because here's the deal: parenting can, and should, feel pretty darn good!

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Oh hey!

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