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Our Courses

Feel-Good Sleep for
Babies and Toddlers

From the moment your precious bundle arrives earth-side, up until they reach school, Feel-Good Sleep has got you covered with a comprehensive range of support.


Whether it's tackling feeding challenges, addressing sleep issues, or identifying potential red flags, we're here every step of the way to ensure your child's well-being and your peace of mind!

Four modules cover everything you need to know!


The Sleep-Soundly Module covers:

  • The Fourth Trimester: Dive into the unique challenges and opportunities during the first three months of your baby's life, understanding their needs and providing a safe and nurturing environment

  • All the Sleep Basics: From sleep cycles to sleep associations, we cover the fundamental principles that form the foundation of healthy sleep habits

  • Environmental Supports: Create a sleep-friendly sanctuary for your little dreamer, optimizing their surroundings for the most soothing and peaceful sleep experience

  • Naps Galore: Master the art of nap rhythms and routines, ensuring your child gets the right amount of daytime rest for their growth and development

  • Transitions: Seamlessly navigate sleep transitions like moving to a cot or transitioning from bed-sharing to increasingly independent sleeping with expert guidance

  • Disruptions: Learn how to handle sleep disruptions that may arise due to travel, illness, or changes in routine, so you can get back on track with ease

  • Overnight Sleep: Tackle the challenge of getting your little one to sleep through the night, promoting restful nights for both you and your baby

  • Settling and Re-settling: Discover effective settling techniques to comfort your child back to sleep when they wake during the night - NOTE: No CIO on offer here!

  • Nutrition: Explore how your child's diet can impact their sleep, and learn about appropriate feeding strategies at different stages

  • Regressions: Understand common sleep regressions and how to navigate these temporary setbacks with patience and support

  • Red Flags: Recognise warning signs and red flags that may indicate underlying sleep issues, so you can address them proactively and ensure your child's well-being 


The Sleep Directory Module

Your go-to resource for tailored sleep support. Select the appropriate age group, and get specific guidance designed to cater to your little one's unique sleep needs. We've got the solutions you need to ensure restful nights for the whole fam!


The Temperament Module

Dive into the incredibly interesting world of temperaments! We provide you with valuable insights on how to choose strategies that perfectly complement and support your little one's unique personality. Working WITH your child's temperament (rather than against it) will ensure a connected parent-child relationship!


The Feeding to Weaning Module

  • Your ultimate guide to nourishing your little one from the early stages of breastfeeding and bottle feeding to the exciting journey of weaning

  • Delve into the intricacies of breastfeeding and bottle feeding, mastering the art of providing the best nutrition for your baby

  • Troubleshoot common feeding challenges with expert guidance and learn the gentle process of weaning from breastfeeding when the time is right for both you and your bab

  • Stay attentive to any potential red flags so you can get support stat!


Feel-Good Toddlerhood Parenting Course

Think Feel-Good Sleep looks impressive? Hold on tight because Feel-Good Toddlerhood takes it up a notch!


We've got your back from the very first meltdown, empowering you to tackle this phase of parenting like a boss – ready for whatever your toddler throws your way, be it lego, trains, or even food! 

This course has something for everyone, jam-packed with bite-sized lessons, so you can dive right into the good stuff without wasting hours.


Get prepared to face toddlerhood with confidence and ease, and get empowered AF! 



The Feel-Good Parenthood Approach

We kick things off with the ultimate parenting pep talk! Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered as we dive headfirst into this incredible approach that will make your parenthood experience actually feel-good!

The Connection First, Always Module

Next up, we dive into attachment and connection - learn how to create a secure and loving bond with your toddler so these strategies can actually work for you.

Behaviour Basics Modules

Behaviour Basics is where we break it down for you, we get a bit sciencey and a bit teachery but this stuff will help you get your head on straight!

The Behaviour Directory

And when things get a bit wild when you head over to the Behaviour Directory for expert education on all those tricky situations that pop up in toddlerhood.

The Toddler Toolkit


Finally, it's time to empower yourself with the Toddler Toolkit, equipped with powerful strategies to support your little one so you can avoid a vast majority of meltdowns, tantrums, and power struggles with ease.



Get Access Now!

Join us for a single course or embrace the full experience by enrolling in both – the choice is yours! 

Get ready to nail Feel-Good Parenthood!


Sleep Course

$77 AUD

One payment

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Toddler Course

$77 AUD

One payment


Get Both Courses

$107 AUD

One payment

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